Anthony Rickey


(302) 604-5190

Anthony Rickey's litigation portfolio includes the representation of businesspeople, investors, shareholders and directors in complex corporate and commercial cases.  He has represented corporate clients in federal and state courts, including the Delaware Court of Chancery.

Anthony focuses on cases relating to the fiduciary duties of corporate directors and representative plaintiffs.  In addition to fiduciary duty actions, he has handled an array of business cases such as contract litigation, internal corporate investigations, trust litigation and employment disputes.

Before starting Margrave Law in August 2015, Anthony practiced as an associate at law firms in New York and Wilmington, Delaware. He began his legal career as a clerk to former Chancellor William B. Chandler, III of the Delaware Court of Chancery.

Anthony is admitted to the bars of the States of New York and Delaware and the District of Columbia, and is a graduate of Columbia Law School and Oxford University.

Representative Matters

  • Represented multiple objectors to class-action settlements in federal court, the Delaware Court of Chancery, and other state courts.
  • Represented corporations and directors in defense of shareholder class actions and derivative litigation.
  • Represented and counseled special committees of independent directors assigned to respond to pre-suit stockholder demands.
  • Represented plaintiffs in direct and derivative disputes against corporate fiduciaries.
  • Represented corporate defendants in response to demands for appraisal and appraisal litigation.
  • Represented target company resisting an attempted hostile takeover in expedited litigation before the Delaware Court of Chancery.


    • Columbia Law School, J.D., 2006
    • Oxford University, B.A. (Japanese Studies), 1997


    • Delaware, 2007
    • New York, 2008
    • District of Columbia, 2015
    • Southern District of New York
    • District of Delaware


Uncovering the Hidden Conflicts in Securities Class Action Litigation:  Lessons from the State Street Case, The Business Lawyer (forthcoming) (with Benjamin Edwards).

Who Collects the Deal Tax, Where, and What Delaware Can Do About It, in Reseach Handbook on Shareholder Litigation (Sean Griffith, Jessica Erickson, David H. Webber & Verity Winship, eds., 2018) (with Sean Griffith).

Objections to Disclosure Settlements:  A How-To Guide, 70 Okla. L. Rev. 281 (2017) (with Sean J. Griffith).

Absent Reform, Little Relief in Sight from Chronic "Merger Tax" Class-Action Litigation, Washington Legal Foundation (August 25, 2017).

The Trouble with Trulia:  Re-Evaluating the Case for Fee-Shifting Bylaws as a Solution to the Overlitigation of Corporate Claims, in Can Delaware Be Dethroned?: Evaluating Delaware's Dominance of Corporate Law (Stephen M. Bainbridge, Iman Anabtawi, Sung Hui Kim & James Park, eds., 2018) (with William B. Chandler III).

Will Trulia Drive "Merger Tax" Suits Out of Delaware?, Washington Legal Foundation (April 29, 2016).

Fee Shifting May Disrupt Delaware's Dominance, (Mar. 13, 2015).

Manufacturing Mystery: A Response to Professors Carney and Shepherd’s “The Mystery of Delaware Law’s Continuing Success, 2009 U. Ill. L. Rev. 95 (2009) (with William B. Chandler III).

Loving Couples, Split Interests: Tax Planning in the Fight to Recognize Same-Sex Marriage, 23 Berkeley J. Gender L. & Just. 145 (2008).