Materials provided on this website are intended solely for informational and education purposes, and are not a substitute for legal counsel in specific circumstances.
Reviewing the materials on this website, or electronically contacting Margrave Law LLC (the “Firm”), does not create an attorney client relationship. Confidential or sensitive information should not be sent to Margrave Law LCC until consultation with, and authorization by, the Firm.
Margrave Law LLC is a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, and governed by Rule 67 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of the State of Delaware. Margrave Law LLC is referred to throughout this website as “Margrave Law LLC” or “Margrave Law.”
Links from this website to resources located outside of this website are not under the control of Margrave Law LLC, and the Firm is not responsible for the contents of these third-party sources. (For instance, after reading this material, you may be interested in this parody of law firm disclaimers.)